God has entrusted you with many gifts. Are you ready to use them to build up His Kingdom?

Below are ministries that need your help. Take to prayer where God needs you, and consider reaching out to one of our ministry leaders. May God reward you for your generosity!

Adventure Days

Our once a month mini-VBS for children needs table leaders after 10am Sunday Mass. Teens can receive service hours!

Time commitment: 1.5 hours once a month. Contact Brandy Rice below.

Bereavement Minister

Help host funeral receptions in the PLC Café or Hub; follow up with the bereaved after the funeral.

Time commitment: 1.5 hours as needed. Contact the parish office if interested 850-243-3742.


Help wanted during the 8:00am & 10:00am Masses in the childcare room. Teens can receive service hours!

Time Commitment: 1.5-4 hours on Sundays. Contact the parish office if interested 850-243-3742.


Help 6th-8th graders deepeHelp 6th-8th graders deepen and understand their faith after 5pm Sunday Mass; we also need help with our Meal Ministry.

Time commitment: 5:30pm-8pm on Sundays during the school year. Contact Julia Doane if interested.

Funeral Hospitality and Sacristans

For those with more open flexible schedules; hospitality ministers warmly welcome guests into the church and assist with other tasks. Sacristans must be available during the weekdays.

Time commitment: 1.5 hours as needed. Contact the parish office if interested 850-243-3742.

Life Teen

Help 9th-12th graders deepen their faith through small groups and fellowship after the 5pm Sunday Mass; we also need help with our Meal Ministry.

Time commitment: 5:30pm-8pm on Sundays during the school year. Contact Scott Gulig if interested.

Media Ministry

Work behind the scenes to share the message of the church.

Time commitment: 1.25 hours as scheduled. Contact Tony Ferreira below if interested.

Small Group Leader

Lead with provided content from Sunday Homilies.

Time commitment: 1.5 hours weekly. Contact the parish office if interested 850-243-3742.

Sunday Hospitality

Warmly welcome everyone into the church and help take up collection during Mass.

Time commitment: 1.25 hours as scheduled. Contact the parish office if interested 850-243-3742.