Your offertory gifts enable us to gather for Mass, minister to the sick, share sacraments, serve those in need, and provide faith formation for children, adults, and the family. Through all of these processes you enable us to share Jesus with the world. Our parish ministers and staff work diligently to fulfill our mission and also need the resources to support our regular building repairs and maintenance.
No one of us can provide everything our parish needs, but together we can. The Lord has given us to one another. Let us accept our mutual responsibilities with gratitude and joy! Each families’ participation is vitally important for our parish to grow, prosper, and spread the Good News of God’s love. As you prepare to make your commitment this year, check your giving comparisons to your income by following the guide on the “Take the Next Step” chart.

After some prayer and reflection, please decide if you can “Take the Next Step” by moving to the next level. For example, if you are presently giving 3%, consider 3.5% or even 4%. Together, we can ensure that growth of Saint Mary Parish.