High School Youth Ministry
All 9th – 12th Grade students are welcome to join us after the 5:00pm Mass until 7:30pm in the Youth Room at the PLC. Bring a friend!

What is Life Teen?
Life Teen is a ministry for 9th – 12th grade students seeking to grow closer to Christ and His Church, while building long-lasting friendships.
We start with “Gather” – either a game or something fun to bring us together!
Then there’s the “Proclaim” – where we introduce our topic for the night.
Next is “Break” – we break into small groups to dive deeper into our topic.
Finally is “Send” – we are sent out to share Jesus with the world.
When do we meet?
We meet on Sunday nights after the 5:00pm Mass: from 6:00pm-7:30pm.
Where do we meet?
The Parish Life Center, which is the large two-story building on the far left side of the main parking lot.
How can parents help?
We would love help on Core Team (volunteers) or with Meal Ministry–see below!
Contact Scott Gulig with any questions, we look forward to getting to know you!
Please consider providing a meal (homecooked, catered, or store bought) to feed about 20 people on Sundays starting in September. Sign up link below!