Rosary on May 18th at 11:00am-1:00pm in the Parish Life Center. Light refreshments to follow. All are welcome!
Importance to our Church
The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of men and women that has the kind of thrust which makes Christianity an out-going, alive, Christ-centered part of life today. It is a lay vocation which forms apostles who are in the world and who serve the person of Christ in all, even the least of His brethren (the poor, the sick, the aged, the lonely, etc.) by prayer and active works.
Saint Mary has the oldest praesidium in the diocese. We’ve been in existence since 1955.
Our Lady of Fatima Praesidium
Our Active Ministry meets Thursday mornings at 11:00am in Room 205 in the PLC. We are open to adult Catholics ages 18 and up.
For more information call the parish office, 850-243-3742
Ministry Participation
The two types of membership as follows:
Active – Requires weekly attendance and 2 hours of spiritual works of mercy.
Auxiliary – Requires daily recitation of the Catena and the rosary.
Benefits for You
Membership helps to grow spiritually by awareness of Christ, dedication to Christ, and service for Christ through Mary.