Theology and History of the Lector; God’s Word in the Church and in Our Lives.
The word of God calls us to follow. God speaks to us before we pray or respond. Our relationship does not begin with us speaking to God. It starts when God speaks.
The Old Testament recounts the story of the chosen people – not of a chosen God. The holy men and women of old heard what God wanted and they responded in faith. God chose them. God spoke to them.
Jesus also illustrated this throughout his ministry. He preached in synagogues. He taught the crowds. Dramatically, he called disciples to come and follow him. Occasionally, a Gospel story makes it appear that someone else has made the first move. A rich young man asks if he can become a disciple. A woman approaches Jesus for a cure. But in every case, they heard Jesus or heard about him. The Holy Spirit has opened their hearts, and they respond to the word of God.
Our response flows naturally when we realize what happens at Mass. God is speaking to us. This is not a mere reading of an ancient document, a report of something said long ago. It is not lines recited by an actor, not a mere recitation of a letter from someone you know.
God is speaking to us. When the scriptures are read, it is as if the book disappears. The lector becomes the mouthpiece of God. God uses the voice of the lector to say something modern, something new, something that applies to the world today.
The lector has a daunting responsibility. The lector’s voice needs to carry God’s voice. The lector does not just pronounce words. The lector communicates a divine message. All text is from The Liturgical Ministry Series: Guide for Lectors, copyright 2007 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications
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