Saint Mary Parish CCW Scholarship

This year our $1,500.00 Academic Scholarship is available to a young, Catholic Woman graduating from High School who is a registered member of Saint Mary Catholic Church in pursuit of education or training beyond high school in an accredited training, licensing, certification program, or institute of higher education.

The application packet must be postmarked or received no later than Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.


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for upcoming events and news!

Ongoing activities we sponsor:

Weekly Church Cleaning (sacred vessels/holy water fonts)
Spiritual Book Club (growing in faith, knowledge and understanding)
Little Dresses (repurposing pillow cases into dresses)
Prison Ministry Pen Pal Program (writing letters of encouragement to inmates)
Baby Blankets (knitting/crocheting baby blankets)
Bunco Nights (fun, fellowship and FUNdraising–proceeds benefit ministries)
Seminarian Support

Women participate beyond our Council in leadership roles and by attending:
WC Deanery CCW Events: Advent & Lenten Days of Reflection, Fall &
Spring Gatherings
PT Diocesan CCW Doings: Pencil Points E-Newsletter, Annual PTDCCW
Convention, Burse Club
Florida CCW Involvement: Catholic Days at the Capitol, Hugs for the
Homeless Annual Campaign, Biennial FCCW Conference
National CCW Endeavors: NCCW Annual Convention, support of Partner
Programs such as Catholic Relief Services’ Water for Life Program

We welcome you!

For more information, please call the parish office at


If you would like to join the CCW or renew your membership, Click Here!