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Can scripture speak to you now, in this time, in your life and circumstances? Yes! Discover how to more fully integrate God’s word into your life with this Sunday homily series. We are clear about what we want you to know, what we want you to do (a challenge for the week), and why it matters.
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Sunday Homily Blog
Who Moved My Church?!!! Loss, Cross, Change, & Eucharist
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time:Who Moved My Church?!!! Loss, Cross, Change, & EucharistThe Lord gives us two teachings in this…
Fear No One.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Fear No One. Tom Brown’s School Days is the story of an English boys’ school. A…
Help! Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time:Help! Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. “The harvest is great,…
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Today, we celebrate the solemn feast of Corpus Christi…
Trinity Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity
< > Trinity Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity It’s easy for us to see and talk about many of the…
Go! Week 4: Many Parts – One Spirit
Go! Week 4: Many Parts – One Spirit Today we celebrate the great solemnity of Pentecost which is the third…
Go! Week 3: Ascension: Stay Connected
Ascension Sunday: Go! Stay Connected The last two weeks we have been saying that the word Go is a very…
Go! Week 2: Never Alone
Sixth Sunday of Easter: Go! Never Alone This is the Sixth Sunday of Easter and our second week in our…
Go! Wk 1: Be Multipliers
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Go! Be Multipliers. Welcome to our new homily message series we call Go! Catholicism or Catholic…