Welcome to our childcare ministry! We currently offer childcare during the 8:00am & 10:00am Masses on Sundays for 6 month olds to 5 year olds, and we plan to provide childcare for special events for 2 – 12 year olds such as:

Thursday School Mass & Extended Hours

Shopping Days

Extended Hours on Sundays

Summer Time

And more!

Your child will not only play and have fun, but they will also do activities and crafts to build up their relationship with God, interact with other Catholic Christian kids, and be treated with respect and dignity by our childcare professionals.

We require registration before using childcare ministry. Please fill out the childcare registration using the button below. Be sure to sign up for our email Flocknote list for special news & updates, too. We look forward to serving your family!

Contact Sara Keyser below with any questions.

Special Events will be updated here!