The Mass schedule for Christmas this year will be as follows:
Sunday, December 24th Christmas Eve Mass at 5:00pm & Christmas Midnight Mass
Monday, December 25th, Christmas Morning Mass at 10:00am
What are the details?
- Christmas Eve: 5:00pm Mass will be in our temporary church (Parish Life Center Gym) with overflow in the PLC Cafe. We will also have music before Mass beginning at 4:30pm.
- Midnight Mass is at midnight. Christmas Carols will start in church at 11:30pm before Midnight Mass.
- 10:00am Mass on December 25th is the only Mass time we will have on Christmas day.
Special Events
EVERY SUNDAY OF ADVENT: Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 10:00am Mass. All K-5th grade is welcome to join; middle and high schoolers can receive service hours for helping!
DECEMBER 3RD: Breakfast with St. Nick in the school cafeteria (in the Parish Life Center, right down the hall past our Welcome Desk) sponsored by Saint Mary School PTO.
DECEMBER 6TH: Adore in the church at 6:00pm.
DECEMBER 8TH: Holy Day of Obligation for Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Mass times are Dec 7th Vigil Mass at 4:00pm, Dec 8th at 6:30am, 8:15am, and 6:00pm.
DECEMBER 11TH: Parish Confession Service at 6:00pm in the Parish Life Center.
DECEMBER 12TH: Our Lady of Guadalupe Misa en Espanol a las 6:00pm.
DECEMBER 16TH & 17TH: Council of Catholic Women are hosting a Bake Sale after all the Masses.
DECEMBER 31ST: Holy Hour of Exposition & Adoration after the 10:00am Mass in the church for consecration to the Holy Family with a special luncheon after the holy hour in the PLC Cafe hosted by the Knights of Columbus.
JANUARY 1ST: We will have the 8:15am Mass for the Solemnity of Holy Mother of God on Monday, January 1st, but it is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year due to it being on a Monday.